Florida Institute for Sustainable Energy University of Florida
Celunol plant
Biofuels such as ethanol derived from low-cost, abundant biomass lessen our dependence on foreign fuel sources.
Home that uses solar panels to generate electricity
Photovoltaic panels collect solar energy to generate a clean and inexpensive source of electricity.
March 31, 2025

Renewable Energy

Fossil fuels (oil, gas, and coal) are a finite resource and we are approaching the point where available resources of oil and gas cannot meet world demand. The development of environmentally friendly, renewable, and cost-effective replacement energy options to power automobiles, other vehicles, homes, and businesses, is extremely important for our energy security. Renewable energy has tremendous potential to meet our energy demand with reduced environmental impact and can help contribute to a clean and secure energy future for our nation.

Among the various renewable energy resources (biomass, solid waste, landfill gas, solar, geothermal, wind, and hydropower) Florida leads the nation in plant biomass. Most of Florida biomass is in the form of grasses, trees, sugar cane, and assorted crop residues, citrus pulp, etc. With this biomass resource, Florida has the opportunity to produce more automotive fuel than it consumes and to lead the nation in the production of renewable fuels.

UF renewable energy expertise includes:

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University of Florida