Florida Institute for Sustainable Energy University of Florida
Celunol plant
Biofuels such as ethanol derived from low-cost, abundant biomass lessen our dependence on foreign fuel sources.
Home that uses solar panels to generate electricity
Photovoltaic panels collect solar energy to generate a clean and inexpensive source of electricity.
March 31, 2025


The Need

Our quality of life, standard of living and national security depend on energy.  A strong, balanced energy research program, based on the most efficient use of our natural resources while minimizing our dependence on imported energy, is critical to Florida and the U.S.

Addressing the Need

The Florida Institute for Sustainable Energy brings together research capabilities necessary to create a sustainable energy future. FISE encompasses more than 150 faculty members and 22 energy research centers at the University of Florida. In the last few years alone, UF’s Federal and State funded energy research exceeded $70 million.


FISE Energy Technology Incubator

The FISE Energy Technology Incubator was created through a $4.5 million Florida Center of Excellence award by the Board of Governors. The Incubator includes a Prototype Development & Demonstration Laboratory and a Biofuel Pilot Plant to accelerate commercialization of energy technologies and processes. Thus helping Florida’s economy by simultaneously creating new high-tech industries and addressing the state’s growing energy needs.

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